Home Selling Asphalt AMP Burners
Asphalt roads are one of the most common constructions we see in our neighborhood. If in the past you cooked asphalt, namely by frying asphalt on the side of the road, now you have used a fairly sophisticated tool, namely using an Asphalt Mixing Plant or in short (AMP). the processing location of the asphalt mixing plant also affects the distance to the work location. In general, the maximum distance between the Asphalt Mixing Plant and the work location is around 100 km, so that the hot mix asphalt temperature does not decrease below the required temperature when it arrives at the work location.
If we already know the working system and the uses of an asphalt mixing plant machine, then we cannot stay away from what is a burner amp, an asphalt burner, a machine that has a heat source from mixing fuel to ignite into a high temperature fire which will then be channeled to the amp boiler. for asphalt processing. the burner is also an important tool for amp components, where the burner amp also has many sizes and variants of fuel such as fuel, diesel, residue, oil, and gas. but we often encounter asphalt mixing plant processing sites using diesel fuel burners, besides being easy to process diesel fuel is more economical for the purchase price per liter. there are also the main components for asphalt mixing plant as follows:
Asphalt Storage Container
cold elevators
hot elevators
filler storage
conveyor belts
-burner ignition
airlock damper
Drum dryer
dust collector
hot screen
asphalt controls
Distributor of Burner Asphalt mixing plant – AMP
The company selling hermal oil heater also provides burners for ignition of asphalt mixing plants of various sizes and models according to customer needs, the burner amps that we supply are burners with most European licenses with various brands such as, FBR, Riello, Baltur, weaisaupt, Rayy, ecoflame etc. For the burner materials that we provide, we also include selected burners and we include a complete set of burners and instruments for installation of the burner operation in the rom burner area. There are also types and capacities of burners available for amp ignition, namely:
FBR FGP 50/2
Thermal power- 106.5/204-510 [Mcal/h]
Thermal power- 124/237-593 [kW/h]
Fuel- 10.5/20-50 [kg/h]
FBR FGP 70/2
Thermal power- 183/357-714 [Mcal/h]
Thermal power- 213/415-830 [kW/h]
Fuel- 18/35-70 [kg/h]
FBR FGP 100/2
Thermal power- 208.5/407.5-1020 [Mcal/h]
Thermal power- 243/474-1186 [kW/h]
Fuel- 20.5/40-100 [kg/h]
FBR FGP 120/2
Thermal power- 295.5/612-1224 [Mcal/h]
Thermal power- 344/712-1423 [kW/h]
Fuel- 29/60-120 [kg/h]
FBR FGP 150/2
Thermal power- 393/764.5-1500 [Mcal/h]
Thermal power- 457/889-1744 [kW/h]
Fuel- 38.5/75-150 [kg/h]
Riello PRESS GW 107/178 ÷ 356 kW
Riello PRESS 1G 130/190 ÷ 534 kW
Riello PRESS 2G 214/356 ÷ 712 kW
Riello PRESS 3G 273/534 ÷ 1168 kW
Riello PRESS 4G 415/830 ÷ 1660 kW
Riello RL 34 MZ 97/154 ÷ 395 kW
Riello RL 44 MZ 155/235 ÷ 485 kW
Riello RL 50 148/296 ÷ 593 kW
Riello RL 64 MZ 200/400 ÷ 820 kW
Riello RL 70 255/474 ÷ 830 kW
Riello RL 100 356/711 ÷ 1186 kW
Riello RL 130 486/948 ÷ 1540 kW
Riello RL 190 759/1423 ÷ 2443 kW
Riello RL 250 MZ 600/1250 ÷ 2700 kW
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Burner Pemanas Aspal Ngamprah, oil hetaer Pemanas Aspal Cikarang, Burner Pemanas Aspal Cibinong, Burner Pemanas Aspal Ciamis, Burner Pemanas Aspal Cianjur, Burner Pemanas Aspal Sumber, Burner Pemanas Aspal Tarogong Kidul, Burner Pemanas Aspal Indramayu, Burner Pemanas Aspal Karawang, Burner Pemanas Aspal di Kuningan, Burner Pemanas Aspal Majalengka, Burner Pemanas Aspal Parigi, Burner Pemanas Aspal Purwakarta,
PT Indira Mitra Boiler
Zaenal Arifin
Email: arifinspi2023@gmail.com
Email: idmarifin2@gmail.com
Pusat Burner oil industri Aspalt mixing plant Tokomesinku merupukan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam sektor sumber engery, dimana perusahaan kami berkebang cepat di bidangnya untuk membantu kebutuhan perindustrian di indonesia. kami menyediakan burner untuk pemanas pada sekelompok komponen pada AMP, aspalt... Selengkapnya